

 One fine evening, I was going to the dairy to bring milk packets. I took milk packets and returned home. But, I felt very bored walking alone while returning home. So, I thought of talking to my friends on the phone, So that way I thought I would have the company of talking to my friends. I made calls to friends, but none of them lifted the call. My mind decided to itself that I would be able to reach my home only if I talk to my friends. Since no one lifted my call, I changed my mindset and started walking. My destiny is my home, no one gave me company though I felt bored. But amazingly one friend helped me to reach my Destiny that is none other than my willpower. Moral: When we have the willpower to reach our goal no amount of distractions would stop us.
  Story 2: POWER OF LOVE One day I went to a medical shop to buy some medicines. There I saw an illiterate Mother carrying her son behind her husband. She gave a medicine prescription to a chemist. And the chemist was explaining about medicine to her, like when to give and how to give to her son. And her husband asks again to explain the whole thing. But mother said no need to explain once again. She remembered every detail about the medication very well.  She listened carefully because of her love for her son. And Her innocence as an illiterate failed in front of love and that love helps to learn new knowledge  Moral: One can learn any difficult thing if we have a love for learning it. ❤❤❤❤

Story 1: Smile

 A few days ago, around 10:00 AM I started from my house on a bicycle to pay my current bill. On the way to the current office, a well-known fruit vendor smiled at me and I replied with a small smile from my side. That smile touched my heart very deeply. While returning, Instead of going one route to reach my home, I followed the same route to buy fruits because of a single smile. It's created value for him. And his smile helps in business. Moral: A small smile helps to win millions of hearts.