One fine evening, I was going to the dairy to bring milk packets. I took milk packets and returned home. But, I felt very bored walking alone while returning home. So, I thought of talking to my friends on the phone, So that way I thought I would have the company of talking to my friends. I made calls to friends, but none of them lifted the call. My mind decided to itself that I would be able to reach my home only if I talk to my friends. Since no one lifted my call, I changed my mindset and started walking. My destiny is my home, no one gave me company though I felt bored. But amazingly one friend helped me to reach my Destiny that is none other than my willpower.

Moral: When we have the willpower to reach our goal no amount of distractions would stop us.


  1. Wow tharun. That's really true my buddy 😍.
    Our will power can prepare us to make wonders.


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